A Leader!!!

3 min readOct 10, 2019


Kids often deign to poster as leaders! My nine year old elder one, always have this tendency to act as a leader. She sashay as a statesman and conform others to follow her commands while in play. With aplomb, kids follow their parents and teachers as their leaders! At home with my kids, I could be a manager or a boss and tell them, “If you don’t read, I will take your devices,” or I can be a leader and inspire them to read. At work, I can be even a colleague and inspire people to try a new idea. Those are gestures of leadership. For me, leading is the verb. Leader is not a noun or an adjective, it’s just a designation for the person who leads. And this person is able to inspire others to give their best to achieve a mission. The problem of leadership is that it requires inner development; you can’t just be a leader because you read a lot of books!!!

A Leader:

In my opinion, The successful leaders, has to combine the responsibilities of an administrator, the positive functions of a human behavior and the uncanny virtues of a statesman. His chief interest is to lead the most significant asset-the manpower of the organization/nation. He understands their moods, their hopes, frustrations and motivations; he analysis their social values, aesthetic desires and intellectual modes and, finally, he sets himself the task of co-coordinating these things for the development and welfare of his business and the nation. Therefore, unconsciously, he acts as a sound delineator of human actions-adding a common desire and goal to them and thus leading them to achieve peak performances. This is an activity which requires a psychological insight of human mind and dedicated intellect of powerful convictions.

Primary function of a leader is decision making. He shifts the material around him; changes their emphasis; selects the bare themes; figures out the various possible alternatives and in the final analysis, decide upon the best suited live of action. This activity requires an imaginative grasp of the entire situation and a strong mental faculty to weigh the alternatives, both existent and immediate as well as those still have a long way off. Without a well-cultivated mind and a sharpened sense of business judgement, the leader will not be able to develop this creative decision making process.

Any pervading function of management which a leaders should be whetted is more socio-environment-economic than purely business oriented. It lies in shaping the future and foreseeing the course of future events. It may be termed as a visionary anticipation of change or a formalistic emphasis on the long range view. Any way, this activity requires a broad perception of the world and an ability to translate the events into easily understandable terms of social & environmental significance. Hence, leaders sometimes should acts like a statesman like vigor to which no event is too small to be left unnoticed and no effort too rigid to be left unattended. He labors under the sharp focus of the world happenings and learns how to pin-point the nucleus of these scattered global activities/actions. This enables the leaders to foresee the changing concepts of people, the fleeting moments of the environmental fragmentation and the curious episodes of the digitalization.

These functions of psychological leadership, intellectual decision-making and statesmanship with environmental consciousness must operate in the frame work of an overall general conviction about the leaders. They can be from any frame work of political or governmental or institutional or business minded.The business leader is neither a rebel nor a dogmatic supervisor. He is a sympathetic leader and a cautious spokesman who learns to understand and appreciate opposite voices. With any analytical temper and a chiseled mind, he sets to define the “Free way” and if possible, visualizes the degree of cultural differences. In order to achieve the success in his/her strategical area, the leader should possess mature techniques of communication, logical reasoning and wide vision.

Photo Courtesy: National Geographic Wall papers. If there is any concern or any copy right violations will be removed after intimation.




SAP Architect, experienced systems designer, project mgnt, vendor management prof & Wikipedian (250 plus edits). Apart, naive and being human with others.