Creative Writing for Children

6 min readSep 8, 2019


At heart we are all story tellers. Each of us has a story to tell, and everyone is seeking an audience which is really interested in them. Childhood is a home when impressions are coming fast and the children are very eager to tell his/her story. Children always wants to share their impressions of their home, family, pets and their selves. They need only to be inspired with confidence and to be assured that you are eager to hear from them. Many people have thought for a long time that it is difficult to get children to express themselves in writing. Many will say, they have nothing to write, but we know that this is not so-children do have ideas to express.

After our return to India, Since few years, I been “insisting” Meenakshi (My elder daughter, now in Grade 4th) to keep writing and asking her far and wide “pen down your thoughts”. Initially, She was reluctant to do this but during a course of time, by and by she started to write freely & impressively.

I think creative writing is the spontaneous translation of experiences into words. It is differentiated from the other forms of compositions by the absence of external motive, for it is done primarily for its own sake, and comes from experience possessing intrinsic rather than practical use.

How to get children to write:

All normal children can write. But the experience is certainly not limited to the above average or even to the average group of children.The retarded children can also write. After all, he has many experiences which are meaningful to him and he can be stirred just as much as anyone. How is the story writing begun in the first place? During early days, parents or teachers can try gathering the group around to share stories.By doing this we are laying the ground work for future story growth, establishing good listening habits, and perhaps creating a desire within the child to write. Whether we are working with a third or sixth grade, we should use this warming-up process until their inner desire to write is promoted into action. With some kids two or three weeks may be enough. With others, little longer time may be necessary.One who wishes, may write while the others carry out another kind of activity.

I think, children will want to write if the atmosphere and the environment are conducive for creating writing. The writing must be within the child’s realm of experience.The teacher or a parent can’t possibly know what will have meaning to the child. When an experience has deeply impressed the child, or an idea is struggling for expression, then is the time for the child to do this writing.

We (Teachers/Parents) can use card boards and a small amount of lumber provided what the children called a writing castle in the room, equipped with comfortable desk, some paper, and a pencil. Whether the children felt they had something worthwhile to write, they could go to the writing castle and translate their ideas into words.

Our (Teachers/Parents) attitude toward creative writing is very important. Without a sympathetic understanding and encouragement, few children will try or even dare to express themselves. The child does not bring his or her innermost feelings to a person who will not listen sympathetically. A discouragement word or lack of interest may disrupt even creative urge a child may have.

I always think, in these modern times, teacher constitutes one of the important motivations in creative writing, one who is always trying to gain personal enrichment. If the teacher is very enthusiastic, the same can be transmitted to children which will elicit the responses from the children. The child coming to the school very first time is filled with wealth of new experiences and vivid impressions. They seeks to reflect his feelings in pictures and oral stories, consequently his earlier attempts at creative writing may be in the form of pictures with long oral explanations. Then they replace slowly with little labels. Labels will later turn into stories.

We (Teachers/Parents) also need to start showing more pictures, taking walks for trips, studying pets, having gardens or anything to make a child sensitive to things around them. Ask them to write letters to friends and family members and encourage them to post individual letters via post office.

The development of craftsmanship should come later. We have many online and offline tools to do this. But, they will be given in little later stage. We should cease to interfere with the flow of ideas and words on to the paper.

When I was in secondary grade, my teachers simply used told to write as many as words as we can and write within ten minutes without regard of the spelling. Most think this is an amusing game, and wish to share the results of their paper with others. Reading aloud what we have written is been fun. It also reveals our peer interests. It curtailed my awkwardness.

I think, having a chart in the class room where each child may be able to keep a record f his writing aids in the stimulation of more writing. If each child has his or her own word book, he or she can enter in it the words they needs to write. This helps them to become more independent in the works. After children have written several stories, they naturally want to improve. We can help to edit to correct the spelling or any grammatical mistakes.

May be group work in creative writing stimulates the children in individual writing. Sharing experiences, ideas, and thoughts in a group situation usually encourages individuals to think of experiences about which they might write Group work helps timid or self conscious children forget themselves. It also helps them see value in their own thoughts and interpretations.

Sometimes it might helpful to ask children about the thoughts they have before go to sleep at night. Some fascinating thoughts come to children during the twilight hours. Sometimes only one word s needed to help a child initiate a train thought.

We (Teachers/Parents) should never hold a child to adult standards in creative writing. When the creative urge has spent itself, the correct spelling, punctuation, language usage, and form can be refined afterwards.

Encourage them to reading Poetry and other books of their interest will always be thought provoking.Reading… Reading… Reading.. the more you read the more will observe.

In summary, I feel writing can be satisfying to the child only when he or she felt a need for it. Sometimes need is practical, sometimes it is putting into words unique ideas and feelings. In any case with praise and planning we can look forward for rewarding experiences in creative writing in this age of digital era. Last but not least, in any time “Language is the dress of thought“.




SAP Architect, experienced systems designer, project mgnt, vendor management prof & Wikipedian (250 plus edits). Apart, naive and being human with others.